I am definitely feeling the blog love! The wonderful Shivani from Dreamy's Adobe has nominated me for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Isn't she awesome?
So... here are the rules:
- Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.
- Put the award logo on your blog.
- Answer the ten questions they have sent you.
- Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer. Nominate ten people.
Shivani's Questions
1. Do you remember the date you
created your blog?
Not very long ago! June 20th, 2014 :)
2. What do you think is the best
thing about blogging?
It is such a great way to share our
thoughts, opinions, and meet awesome people!
3. What do you prefer from your
blogger? Book reviews, life lessons, beauty tips? *duck face*
I basically only read book
review blogs but if I'm interested I will read others
4. How long does it take you to write
a post?
It usually only takes me about 15 or
20 minutes
5. How long do you take to finish a
Completely depends on the book- some
only a couple of hours and others a week
6. How long did you take to really
understand your way around Blogger?
I'm still finding my way around
7. Do you plan out your posts
I have only planned out my posts a
couple of times before I started writing. Most of the time I just finish a book
and instantly begin typing before I even talk about it to anyone.
8. Do you remember your first follower?
My mom... yes... my mom
9. Have you torn pages from a library
I would never! All of my books are
immaculate- I won't even fold the pages (I'm that person)
10. Give yourself a hug, will you?
For putting up with these questions. psshhh...
My Questions for YOU!
1. What is one hobby that gives you great satisfaction?
2. What is the most unique thing about you?
3. What is your favorite season?
4. What was the last book you read?
5. How long have you been blogging?
6. What is your dream vacation?
7. If any book character could be your BFF, would who you pick?
8. What is your favorite animal?
9. What is your biggest fear?
10. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
My Tags :) :)
Once again, thank you so much for this award Shivani!!!!
-Busy Brunette