Book Review: Wreckage

My Rating: 4

You know that emoji, that has the wide open eyes and the jaw dropped down in surprise? That was my exact face when I finished this book. 

I had seen Wreckage by Emily Bleeker on the shelves at my favorite bookstores, but I had never taken the time to read the description as I passed by. Once I finally did read a little more about it, I couldn't help but read the first couple of pages to see if it was as intriguing as it seemed. I was instantly hooked. I could not put this book down and I devoured it all within a few days. 

At its core, Wreckage is a story about a plane crash that leaves its survivors struggling to stay alive on a deserted island. But dig a little deeper, and it is SO much more than that. It covers the main issues of life and death, but also those of deception, truth, survival, desperation, and that thin line between right and wrong. The characters in the story have to navigate their feelings about the families they left behind, while also trying to forge a future and survive the present. When people aren't sure if they are going to live from one day to the next, they are certain to do crazy thingsā€¦ 

Which brings me to the main two characters: Lillian and Dave. The story is told from both of their perspectives, both at the time of the crash and their time on the island as well as two years later after they have been rescued. A reporter wants the truth about what happened on the island and it is up to the reader to try to sift through everything the two narrators are saying. The ending was slightly confusing to me as I felt like it was too neat and tidy and yet part of me still liked the wrapped up finish. I'll let you decide how you feel about that part. 

Overall, this book really surprised me. I was captivated from the very beginning and I could not put it down. There were so many twists and turns that I did not see coming, and I felt like I was always trying to desperately figure out the true story. Check this one out if you are looking for a fast-paced thriller that keeps you guessing until the very end, but be careful, because it just might wreck you. 

-Busy Brunette