Book Review: Carrie

My Rating: 4

While I am well aware that this book was published quite a few years ago, it took me a little bit of time to check this classic horror novel out. You may think you know the story of Carrie, especially if you have ever seen clips of the famous movie made after the novel, but you are probably completely mistaken unless you have ever read the book. 

I love Stephen King and admire him in an unhealthy way, so I knew that I had to read this book. If you enjoy his writing, you will want to read Carrie, one of his first published novels that made him famous, as well. 

The story is about an outsider girl who consistently gets made fun of by her peers. One event leads to another, and she finally has enough. What those around her don't realize, however, is that she has telekinetic powers, and can move objects with her mind. This leads to an ultimate and gory ending. 

What I found the most interesting about the book was the fact that although King originally wrote it in 1974, a lot of it is still relevant today. I think that while the book isn't intending to be moralistic in nature, that it should be seen as a warning against the destruction that can occur when we treat other people badly. Obviously it is meant to be a horror novel and a fantasy, but hurtful behavior has consequences, in some way or another. 

Overall, this book didn't disappoint and it was exciting to read one of the first major novels that catapulted a career. 

-Busy Brunette

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